Pivot to Freedom

An interesting week is turning into an exciting month. Sunday brought the best football game in memory and a gathering of great people, drinks, and food a plenty. The following day Mark brought on the news I've been waiting to hear for years, he plans to quit his job dealing with coffee, take a load of time off, and just do whatever he wants.

Around this same time I'd been talking to someone offering a ride on craigslist, all the way from NYC to California. I met up with him at a bar last night for an introduction, and we plan to hit the road as soon as tomorrow night. He's seem pretty interesting and is also paying for all the gas and lodging, that equates to a free cross country ride for myself.

Time will tell a lot this month. I wonder if Mark will go through with quitting, and how soon, he already seems to be questioning it. As I type this he's snoring a few feet away on the couch, wiped out from another day's work. I wonder if my ride to California will go through, and if I'll actually make it to California, or find a reason to jump out somewhere along the way, and then where? I wonder if I can launch all the huge improvements to HoboLifestyle.com this month, or if I'll be preoccupied with what the road throws at me.

All and more will be revealed, soon enough.
