
Showing posts from 2015

The Backpack That Turns Into a Tent - The Freestyle BivyPack

Anyone I've met over the years or has followed this blog knows I've long dreamed of a backpack that turns into a tent. Well, it…

Beer Camp Release Party Adventure

The first glimpse of Ryeway 117 came in Berkeley when I popped into Sierra Nevada's Torpedo Room for some beer tastings. Myself and fe…

The Adventure of Ten Wine Bottles on California's Coast

Like any good story, this one begins with failing to eat a dozen donuts, but is later washed down with ten bottles of travel magic wine.


Typical Arizona to SoCal to NorCal Hitchhiking Trip

We found ourselves waking up at my friend's house in Flagstaff, ready for the endless road once again.

California possessed the primar…

Utah Camping and Secret Hardware Brewery

We hitched four rides out of Vail before getting dropped off at a brewery to take a break. Back on the highway a police officer smelled be…

The West is Calling, Hitchhiking from Memphis to Boulder

Marilyn and I had kicked off our new adventure together by hitching from what had been her home in Indiana down on to Memphis and New Orle…

Ultralight Packing Guide for Freestyle Travel

Updated in April 2021 - Watch my latest packing video on YouTube

Big and bulky backpacks slow you down while you travel, cost extra money a…