Promo Codes
Here are some promo codes of mine you can use in your travels:

Free ride on Uber: uberhobolifestyle
My Lyft promo code you can use is: KENNY17016
This code works whether you're signing up to be a driver or a rider, and what you get by using it depends on which of those you're doing and where you're doing it. Give it a try!
Get a $20 credit on Airbnb:
Get $20 off your first Google Fi bill when you sign up with my code: TDW3EE
Google Fi is the international phone service that I've been using for years, I wrote about it here.

Free ride on Uber: uberhobolifestyle
My Lyft promo code you can use is: KENNY17016
This code works whether you're signing up to be a driver or a rider, and what you get by using it depends on which of those you're doing and where you're doing it. Give it a try!
Get a $20 credit on Airbnb:
Get $20 off your first Google Fi bill when you sign up with my code: TDW3EE
Google Fi is the international phone service that I've been using for years, I wrote about it here.
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