Perfecting The System

At the moment I'm on a one way road trip out to Wyoming. Actually at this very moment I'm in the lobby of some hotel in Kansas, which by the way, seems like a cool state.

I find myself trying to perfect my system with everything to allow me to focus purely on good times, and not worrying about how to have them or share them with you good folk through pics, videos, and other good stuff like maps. So it's a little bit of organizing the site and all that, and it's a little bit of organizing my physical stuff and fitting it in a manageable pack.

This road trip has proven very helpful for both, as I'm finding new ways I'll want to move my stuff around as well as keep people up to date with my location and share pictures, as well as produce a good episode every week without taking up my whole week with needless technical junk.

I hope you all enjoy the updates you'll see to the site in the coming weeks, and keep coming back to see what I put ON the site, as that's the whole point. Good times from Lawrence, Kansas (and yes, I actually had to check the map to remember where I was).
